
My name is Akilesh Kannan. You’ll usually find me on the internet as aklsh. My interests lie mostly in the hardware-software interface—low-level software (OS, networking), computer architecture and hardware accelerators. I am also huge supporter of Open-Source Software and Open Hardware.

Here’s somethings that you can talk to me about:

  1. Hardware. All kinds: Processors, Security, GPUs, Laptops, PC Builds etc.
  2. TV Shows. Name any english TV show and I’ve probably watched it.
  3. Music. Alternative, Rock, Electronic.
  4. Ricing. I sometimes post my rices on r/unixporn.
  5. Gaming. I play with a controller instead of a keyboard.
  6. Motorsport. I keep up with F1,2,3,E and am an avid fan of Scuderia Ferrari (sad noises).

Here’s my resume if you’re interested in my professional life.


This site is made with Hugo , a static site generator written in Go. It uses a heavily modified version of the Codex theme by Jake Wiesler . It uses minimal JavaScript for rendering $\LaTeX$ and a responsive navigation burger menu, improved accessibility for screen readers.

The source code can be found in this GitHub repository here 1, MIT-licensed. This site is hosted on a DigitalOcean droplet (BLR Region)2.

The font used is IBM Plex, with IBM Plex Sans for text and IBM Plex Mono for code.

  1. The commit history’s a mess. ↩︎

  2. An affiliate link to get started with ↩︎